The Publishers

  The Editors at Susinsight collectively use 'The Publishers' as a pseudonym for their collaborative contributions to special columns, including Event Focus, Expert Opinions, Fictional Stories, and Founder's Corner.


8 Posts by The Publishers

How Betty Wandia Githinji is Shaping Eco-Conscious Living Through Design in Kenya

Betty’s designs fuse African craftsmanship with practical, mindful living—creating functional pieces that preserve culture and empower local communities.
0 9 min read

Nura’s Vision

Can one woman's determination to restore her city’s farms and free its children from labor bring lasting change?
0 4 min read

How Prayer Nwagboso is Nurturing Hope Through Education in Nigeria

Education is the key to unlocking potential, and through her efforts, Prayer Nwagboso opens doors for Nigeria’s most vulnerable children.
0 11 min read

Is Africa’s Food Crisis Too Big to Fix?

AFS 2024 highlights innovative solutions and urgent collaboration needed to address Africa’s food crisis, challenging us to act decisively.
0 9 min read

The Rebirth of Lake Lumo

In a battle against despair, a village discovers the strength of innovation and community to restore their cherished lake.
0 8 min read

How Hannah Max-Macarthy is Redefining Energy Solutions in Sierra Leone

Driven by personal loss and a passion for change, Hannah Max-Macarthy transforms energy solutions in Sierra Leone through sustainable, life-saving cookstoves.
0 8 min read

Stargazer’s Ascent

A young girl from Negasi Village overcomes societal barriers and self-doubt to become a celebrated celestial navigator, proving that with determination and support, the...
0 5 min read

The Guardians of Gaia

What happens when a small African village, guided by the wisdom of its elders and fueled by unity against exploitation, harnesses the power of...
0 3 min read