Our reports on Africa’s economy address the intricate dynamics of sustainable growth, investment opportunities, and inclusive economic development across diverse sectors.
The State of The Economy
Betty’s designs fuse African craftsmanship with practical, mindful living—creating functional pieces that preserve culture and empower local communities.
While digital growth promises economic opportunities, its environmental costs and social gaps raise critical questions about long-term benefits.
Excluding women from climate decision-making costs more than progress—leaving communities vulnerable, resources mismanaged, and solutions overlooked.
Millions live without clean water, facing daily struggles for survival—what happens when this basic need is denied?
Big data holds the potential to uncover hidden disparities in education, health, and finance—empowering women while challenging systemic biases.
While EdTech promises transformation, relying solely on technology overlooks crucial infrastructure gaps that hinder meaningful educational progress.
Foreign investments dominate Africa’s solar projects, but are local communities gaining control, or is history repeating itself?
When you step into a fitness class, you’re not just moving your body—you’re building bonds and lifting collective spirits.
While green jobs promise growth, unequal access to resources, training, and infrastructure may leave many behind in the transition.
Countries worldwide could transform their future by prioritizing maternal health, just as Botswana did, creating lasting economic and social progress.
What strategies can Africa adopt to make e-mobility affordable and accessible while bridging the gap in urban transportation for underserved communities?
When help came without a price, Thandi’s world changed—from enduring hidden harm to finding real support and safety for others.
As Africa faces immense challenges, it's tapping into unexpected sources of funding and innovation to secure its future growth.
As COP29 approaches, Africa faces urgent challenges in climate finance, energy transition, and adaptation, demanding immediate attention and decisive action.
Will Ethiopia’s rich coffee culture and biodiversity withstand climate shifts, stricter regulations, and economic pressures, or are these threats too great?