Our reports on the state of gender equality in Africa look into initiatives to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, including efforts to eliminate gender-based discrimination, violence, and promote women’s participation in decision-making processes.
Gender Equality
Betty’s designs fuse African craftsmanship with practical, mindful living—creating functional pieces that preserve culture and empower local communities.
Excluding women from climate decision-making costs more than progress—leaving communities vulnerable, resources mismanaged, and solutions overlooked.
Big data holds the potential to uncover hidden disparities in education, health, and finance—empowering women while challenging systemic biases.
Countries worldwide could transform their future by prioritizing maternal health, just as Botswana did, creating lasting economic and social progress.
When help came without a price, Thandi’s world changed—from enduring hidden harm to finding real support and safety for others.
As Africa faces immense challenges, it's tapping into unexpected sources of funding and innovation to secure its future growth.
As youth-led movements rise across Africa, citizens are increasingly demanding accountability and reform in response to widespread social and economic issues.
Education is the key to unlocking potential, and through her efforts, Prayer Nwagboso opens doors for Nigeria’s most vulnerable children.
AFS 2024 highlights innovative solutions and urgent collaboration needed to address Africa’s food crisis, challenging us to act decisively.
Namibia's focus on gender parity has transformed its society, making it a global leader with substantial progress in equality and empowerment.
Driven by personal loss and a passion for change, Hannah Max-Macarthy transforms energy solutions in Sierra Leone through sustainable, life-saving cookstoves.
A young girl from Negasi Village overcomes societal barriers and self-doubt to become a celebrated celestial navigator, proving that with determination...
Rising Academy Network's unwavering dedication to quality education and innovative solutions offers a ray of hope for overcoming Africa's educational challenges,...
Future for Africa, a dynamic Ghanaian NGO, passionately drives transformative initiatives in education, healthcare, and community empowerment while strategically addressing environmental,...
Planet 3R, a visionary social enterprise based in Nigeria, leads the way in sustainable practices by transforming textile and plastic waste...